Business Startups

Let Us Turn Your Dreams to Reality

So you have a business idea that you want to pursue, but the legal and financial aspects of starting and operating a business appear too daunting. We understand how overwhelming this can be, that’s why Cartmill Stewart LLP. is here to provide all the support you need.

How We Can Help

Here are some of the areas we can help you with:

  • decide on the most suitable structure for your new business – sole trader, partnership, limited liability partnership or limited company
  • prepare a business plan, cash flow projections, budgets, and trading forecasts
  • assess the finance requirements, advise on the best sources of finance and draw up the necessary proposals
  • establish a good working relationship with your bank
  • complete any registration procedures with Companies House and HMRC
  • deal with company secretarial issues
  • set up a recording system for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements
  • decide on what computer hardware to buy and help with the installation of accountancy software
  • keep on top of bookkeeping, VAT, payroll and other accounting requirements, and
  • help with all aspects of business compliance and administration


Tell us your business ideas and let us help you bring them to life– partner with us today!


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